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Appreciation for the Construction of Aluel PHCU

Appreciation for the Construction of Aluel PHCU The leadership of ASHPA under Chairman James Lual Akec, Would like to recognise and appreciate the tremendous effort exerted by Aluel PHCU incharge with staffs, community and concern Worldwide for construction of Aluel PHCU. The services you are deliveries to the community are well recognised. Together as medical professionals we can move unturned stones to different levels. Yours Information desk.

Appreciation for the Construction of Aluel PHCU Read More »

Aweil South Health Professionals Association teams has made a visited to Malek Alel PHCU and Panthou PHCC.

 Aweil South Health Professionals Association teams has today make visitation to Malek Alel PHCU and Panthou PHCC. The teams have seen that there are some endangered during this flood period to the patients and have decided to make an assessment to see the condition in which communities are facing , on their assessment in the health faculties they have findout that there is increasement of malaria cases, pneumonia and diarrhoea and on the others hand, the have identified that number of snake bites are increasing repeatedly and lack of drugs in the facilities for rescued of patients which brought great fears to the health facilities staffs and urgent ASPHA in it capacity to look into the matters. On their observations, it shows that the communities are in critical situation which need urgent action or intervention. Thanks John Achuil Achuil SG_ASPHA

Aweil South Health Professionals Association teams has made a visited to Malek Alel PHCU and Panthou PHCC. Read More »