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Appreciation Letter to RMC for Garang Anyuon Wek Medical Bill

 Dear  RMC members, Iam Writing On behalf of ASPHA leaderships to express my sincere appreciation for your hard work and dedication during the resource Mobilization for Garang Anyuon wek’s Medical Bill. Your Contributions have been invaluable to ASHPA and Am grateful for that for all that you have done.Your Contributions have not gone unnoticed, and I want to Publicly acknowledge Your efforts.I encourage you and all members of ASHPA to keep up the excellent work, as we are strive towards Our Theme of the year, “Serve to Change Lives”Once again, thank you all you do. you are a values member of our team, and I appreciate your hard work and dedication. Best regards, James Lual Akech Chairman , ASHPA

Appreciation Letter to RMC for Garang Anyuon Wek Medical Bill Read More »

ASHPA And CHD , Aweil South Signed Five Years Memorandum of Understanding For Social Projects as Partner organization

ASHPA And CHD , Aweil South Signed Five Years Memorandum of Understanding For Social Projects as Partner organization  On Thursday 21 September 2023 at The County Headquarter ,   The CHD under the leadership of Kout Pel Pel has signed a memorandum of understanding with ASHPA’s deputy Chairman, William Kuel Kuel. The contents in the MOU clearly defines how the parties will work together and lay out each one’s expectations and responsibilities. The goal is to achieve a mutual understanding of the partnership, so the two parties to the agreement can move forward into an enforceable contract everyone feels confident about. The objective of this MOU is to express the willingness of both parties to engage in an effort to promote the competitiveness of Aweil South Health professionals association as well as it’s activities to develop and expand relationships with  Aweil South County Health Department. In order to carry out and fulfill the aims of this agreement, each party will appoint an  appropriate person(s) to represent its organization and to coordinate the implementation of activities.  The CHD and ASHPA leadership will meet regularly (preferably with two days’ notice) to discuss progress and plan activities.  Addendums to this MOU will be developed for specific technical support and other activities. These Addendums will provide a detailed description of the role, responsibility and obligation of each party. Work plans and reporting requirements will be cclearly outlined in the Addendums. Each party agrees that it shall not, at any time, after executing the activities of this  MOU, disclose any information in relation to these activities or the affairs of business or method of carrying on the business of the other without consent of both parties. This MOU shall be operational upon signing and will have an initial duration of  Five years. All activities conducted before this date within the vision of the joint collaboration will be  deemed to fall under this MOU.  Regards Deng Chan Chan  Information secretary ASHPA

ASHPA And CHD , Aweil South Signed Five Years Memorandum of Understanding For Social Projects as Partner organization Read More »

Construction of Both Female and Male Wards in Panthou PHCC

Construction of Both Female and Male Wards in Panthou PHCC On Wednesday 13 September 2023,   the commissioner of Aweil South Hon Luka Thel has witnessed the  launching of the  Foundation for the construction of Both Females and Males Ward in Panthou Primary health care center. During the meeting, it was resolved that this initiative will materialise through the support of local government in collaboration with Aweil South Health professionals association. As far as this issue is concerned, the foundation is already laid and an amount of 1.9 millions SSP was contributed after the meeting and more contributions are coming.  We are appealing to our members and well wishers to help us in implementing this initiative. Panthou PHCC is the only referral health facility in Aweil South County. It is our responsibility to ensure that it is fully developed. So far both males and females are admitted in the same ward. Regards  Deng Chan Chan  Information secretary  ASHPA

Construction of Both Female and Male Wards in Panthou PHCC Read More »

Garang Anyuon is discharged from the hospital today

The Aweil South Health Professional Association’s Resources Mobilisation Committee (RMC) for Garang Anyuon’s medical treatment bill  We would like to update the public and well-wishers on the state of Garang Anyuon medical treatment.  Garang Anyuon is discharged from the hospital today after undergoing extensive medical evaluations by Afia Medical Centre physicians.  He was discharged with medications and the doctor recommended that he undergo a weekly follow-up for one month, which means he will have four visits in a month and will continue with medications. Garang Anyuon was receiving medical care at Juba Teaching Hospital from Afia Medical Centre physicians.  Garang Anyuon expresses gratitude to the Aweil South Health Professionals’ Association, the general public, and well-wishers for  supporting him during his critical sickness.  He said he has noticed improvements after receiving medical treatment at Juba Teaching Hospital.  According to today’s update, the Resource Mobilisation Committee (RMC) appreciates the public and well-wishers for their assistance and encourages those who have promises to bring them before the RMC’s Terms of Reference (TOR) expire. For accountability purposes, the RMC would like to inform the public that the report will be established sooner, but not later than September 10th, 2023. The RMC is grateful for your wonderful support and continues to ask those who pledged to fulfil their commitment to assist our brother Garang Anyuon Wek. We hope that your generous donation will assist Garang in recovering from his sickness. Thank you for your kind assistance, and please do not hesitate to contact us at the following addresses: +211922638259 +211925612392 +211911907573 Garang Akol Dong Information Secretary RMC

Garang Anyuon is discharged from the hospital today Read More »

Resource Mobilization Committee (RMC) for the release of Mr. Amet Garang Mou from Aweil Central Prison

Resource Mobilization Committee (RMC) for the release of Mr. Amet Garang Mou from Aweil Central Prison ToR for the resource mobilization committee: 1.       Take the lead in resources mobilization for the release of the above-mentioned culprit 2.       Ensure information sharing is limited to Aweil South forums 3.       Sharing financial reports or status only basis 4.       Ensure resources mobilized are channel direct to the finance secretary 5.       RMC leadership members’ active participation to meet the timeframe

Resource Mobilization Committee (RMC) for the release of Mr. Amet Garang Mou from Aweil Central Prison Read More »

Aweil South Health Professionals Association has concluded a one day training on menstrual hygiene in Malekalel

   Aweil South Health Professionals Association in partnership with Rotary Club of Juba Airport  has concluded a one day training on menstrual hygiene in Malekalel , Aweil County of Northern Bahrel Ghazel State  The aimed of train to increase awareness among adolescent girls on menstrual hygiene and to increase access to and use of high quality sanitary pads to adolescent girls in rural areas and to ensure safe disposal of Sanitary pads in an environmentally friendly manner.The training  to inform adolescent girls and women on how to manage their periods hygienically and make informed decisions on their sexual reproductive health Under ThemeThe Reproductive health is a rights of women and girls, Every woman and girls deserves a better hygiene service Below are some additional photos taken during training   

Aweil South Health Professionals Association has concluded a one day training on menstrual hygiene in Malekalel Read More »


 MESSION of ASHPA  About Association  Aweil South Health Professionals Association was established with the aim of fostering quality health services and strengthening the work of health professionals through information sharing, preserving medical ethics and morality, promote health education and socio-economic improvement at County Health Department (CHD) In Aweil South County. Our main areas of focus are; Health, Nutrition, Education, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Environment (Climate Change) Protection (Child Protection, Ending Child Marriage and Gender Equality), and Emergency Response and Disaster Resilience.  Our vision: All Aweil south communities receive high quality, equitable health and social services in order for all individuals to realize their optimal state of health and well-being.  Our Mission to inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice, education and research.  The Primary Objectives of the Association 1.Organize health programs required in provision of quality health care system with full of commitment and excellent. 2.Rehabilitation on mental activities e.g counselling and Gender Base Violence. Work and promotes peace and unity among the health workers and other actors working in Aweil South County.  3.Create good relationships among health workers and other organized health worker’ bodies in county health department (CHD) and work in partnership with all stakeholders in Aweil South County, at state level, country and outside the country. 4.To help CHD in Fund Mobilization. 5.Educate health workers towards evidenced based learning, continue medical education and making more research of public health concerns in Aweil south county.  6.Extend awareness to community about endemic communicable diseases.  Eradicate nepotism, sectionalism among health workers in the county health department (CHD) and encourages spirit of unity and cooperation.  7.Participate in solving problems and challenges facing health workers in Aweil South County.  8.Encourage Continue medical education (CME) among health workers in their fields of specializations.  CORE VALUES  1. Humanity 2. Impartiality 3. Integrity 4. Transparency 5. Accountability