MESSION of ASHPA About Association Aweil South Health Professionals Association was established with the aim of fostering quality health services and strengthening the work of health professionals through information sharing, preserving medical ethics and morality, promote health education and socio-economic improvement at County Health Department (CHD) In Aweil South County. Our main areas of focus are; Health, Nutrition, Education, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Environment (Climate Change) Protection (Child Protection, Ending Child Marriage and Gender Equality), and Emergency Response and Disaster Resilience. Our vision: All Aweil south communities receive high quality, equitable health and social services in order for all individuals to realize their optimal state of health and well-being. Our Mission to inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice, education and research. The Primary Objectives of the Association 1.Organize health programs required in provision of quality health care system with full of commitment and excellent. 2.Rehabilitation on mental activities e.g counselling and Gender Base Violence. Work and promotes peace and unity among the health workers and other actors working in Aweil South County. 3.Create good relationships among health workers and other organized health worker’ bodies in county health department (CHD) and work in partnership with all stakeholders in Aweil South County, at state level, country and outside the country. 4.To help CHD in Fund Mobilization. 5.Educate health workers towards evidenced based learning, continue medical education and making more research of public health concerns in Aweil south county. 6.Extend awareness to community about endemic communicable diseases. Eradicate nepotism, sectionalism among health workers in the county health department (CHD) and encourages spirit of unity and cooperation. 7.Participate in solving problems and challenges facing health workers in Aweil South County. 8.Encourage Continue medical education (CME) among health workers in their fields of specializations. CORE VALUES 1. Humanity 2. Impartiality 3. Integrity 4. Transparency 5. Accountability